Archive Entry
North Jersey Nurseries envelope & letter October 25, 1916
Yellowed envelope with a 1.5" wide x 1/2" deep bite above the cancellation, Millburn, New Jersey cancellation Oct. 26, 1916; from North Jersey Nurseries, formerly at the bottom of Main Street, opposite the Millburn entrance to the Springfield Presbyterian Church cemetery. Letter was sent to Mr. David S. Herr, Route #7 in Lancaster PA. Envelope contains a letter to Herr, which states: "We have an order as follows "500 Privet 3 1/2-4', must be well branched and good heavy stock. If they are alright I will take 500 more." Assuming that your three 3-4' stock listed at $20.00 per thousand will fill the bill, we enclose you (sic) shipping tag and bill of lading. Would ask that yu ship direct to our customer. If you (sic) three year stock is not well branched, better advise us at once, for we do not want to disappont him. Use our tags in shipping. Your truly, NORTH JERSEY NURSERIES; EDP:M" Letter is folded once horizontally and twice vertically. Purchased on eBay from Edward L. Eckman; 1847 Krystle Dr.; Lancaster, PA 17602. Envelopes and letters were deacidified with Bookkeeper.
6 in
3-3/4 in