Archive Items Archive Items Go back Photographs Some photographs are still being identified Search 232 Sagamore Road," Princesssgate," 1896 Photograph 234 Sagamore Road, "Greylingham," Joy Wheeler Dow Photograph 25 Forest Drive, c. 1890 Photograph 25 Stewart Road, Short Hills Photograph 26 Crescent Place, Former Carriage House for Stewart Hartshorn Photograph 26 Crescent Place, Short Hills Photograph 26 Crescent Place, Short Hills driveway Photograph 262 Millburn Avenue, 1943 Photograph 28 Forest Drive (Layng House), 1881 Photograph 28 Northern Drive, 1912 Photograph 28 Northern Drive, 1912 Photograph 288 Hobart Avenue, "Druidream," c. 1900 Photograph 30 The Crescent, c. 1922 Photograph 30 Western Drive, 1928 Photograph 303 Hobart Avenue, "Twin Oaks," 1902 Photograph 303 Hobart Avenue, Twin Oakes, c. 1902 Photograph 303 Hobart Avenue, Twin Oaks, c. 1902 Photograph 303 Hobart Avenue, Twin Oaks, c. 1902 Photograph 303 Hobart Avenue, Twin Oaks, c. 1902 Photograph 303 Hobart Avenue, Twin Oaks, c. 1902 Photograph 303 Hobart Avenue, Twin Oaks, c. 1902 Photograph 32 Holly Drive Advertisement for Walter Pfeiffer Designed Home Photograph 32 Holly Drive, Short Hills Photograph 321 Millburn Avenue, 1937 Photograph 321 Millburn Avenue, Vauxhall Inn With People Photograph 330 Hobart Ave 1 Archive 330 Hobart Ave 2 Archive 330 Hobart Avenue Photograph 36 Stewart Road, Short Hills Photograph 36 Stewart Road, Short Hills, 1903 Photograph 37 Highland Avenue, Short Hills, c.1881 Photograph 387 Millburn Avenue, c. 1986 Photograph 39 Knollwood, Sunnyside, 1878 Photograph 39 Stewart Road Photograph 40 Highland Avenue, "Montview," c. 1880 Photograph 40 Knollwood Road, The Anchorage, c. 1880 Photograph 430 Wyoming Avenue, c. 1870s Photograph 430 Wyoming Avenue, c. 1870s Photograph 438 Wyoming Avenue Photograph 44 Main Street Group of Men, 1947 Photograph 45 Northern Drive, c. 1910 Photograph 45 Northern Drive, c. 1910 Photograph 461 Wyoming Avenue & Neighboring Houses Photograph 461 Wyoming Avenue with Addition Photograph 461 Wyoming Avenue, E.W. Woolsey House, c. 1881 Photograph 461 Wyoming Avenue, Woolsey House with 2 Women & Children Photograph 461 Wyoming Avenue, Woolsey House with Addition & Man Photograph 461 Wyoming Avenue, Woolsey House, Stereograph Photograph 461 Wyoming Avenue, Woolsey House, c. 1881 Photograph 461 Wyoming Avenue-Woolsey House, c. 1881 Photograph « Load Previous » Load Next