Archive Entry
Neighborhood House, Millburn
In February 1894, Mrs. Stewart Hartshorn organized the Ladies Relief Society of the Civic League of Millburn Township. The purpose of the group was to "visit all cases of destitution, make a thorough investigation and give relief (chiefly food and clothing) in proportion to the needs of the destitute." In 1900, the name of the group changed to The Relief Association of Millburn. The activities of the organization changed to include care of the sick in homes, undernourished children and assistance to mothers in caring for the family. The group was funded and staffed by volunteers.
On November 17, 1903, the group was reorganized again and renamed The Neighborhood Association of Millburn Township with Mrs. Hartshorn as its first president. In 1918, the house at 12 Taylor Street was given to the Association by Mr. and Mrs John Taylor In 1920, the Day Nursery (Nursery School) was opened.