Archive Entry
Millburn Schools Building Plan Letter Opposing the Construction of a new Millburn Junior High School, 1973
Unsigned 1973 letter to Millburn residents urging the residents to vote no on proposed building improvements to the junior high (to build a new one) and to the senior high school (to add a new gym, a new media center, and a pool). The text of the letter states: "CONCERNED CITIZENS OF MILLBURN- SHORT HILLS; WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE "NO" ON THE DECEMBER 11TH BOARD OF EDUCATION; REFERENDUM FOR A NEW JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL; THE BOARD OF EDUCATION IS USING FEAR TACTICS; 1. If the Junior High is unsafe, as the "Board" contends, our Fire Department should condemn it.; 2. If the electricity is obsolete, as the "Board" contend*, the Electrical Inspector should condemn it.; 3. If the plumbing is poor, as the "Board" contends, our Plumbing Inspector should condemn it.; 4. If the roof leaks, as the "Board" contends, the Building Department should condemn it.; 5. And, if the Junior High is In such desperate need of repair, then we, the people, should condemn the Board of Education for not providing proper maintenance.; A. In our view, the cost estimate for renovation of the Junior High School Is highly inflated and exaggerated.; B. In our view, the cost estimate for a new operating Junior High School, can never be constructed at the quoted estimate.; C. Despite the fact that there is a dramatic drop in the school enrollment, the Board of Education advocates a building program that could result in the biggest TAX RATE INCREASE in the history of our Township.; D. As yet, the "Board" has not even presented Its school operating budget and seem oblivious that we also have budgets coming up for:; Police Dep't. — Fire Dep't. - Sanitation Dep't. -Road Dep't. - Recreation Dep't. - Shade Tree Commission -Engineering Dep't, - Building Depft. - Town Hall Employees -etc -- etc -- etc; LET'S SPEND OUR TAX DOLLARS WISELY. LET'S RETAIN THAT WHICH IS WORTH HAVING. LET'S INVEST IN MILLBURN'S HERITAGE. LET'S RESTORE AND RENOVATE OUR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TO ITS ORIGINAL BEAUTY AND CHARM.; Since State funding of the school system is practically a reality and our national economy is seriously wavering, we cannot endorse huge non-essential spending projects.; VOTE "NO" ON THE DECEMBER 11TH REFERENDUM; Concerned citizens." Light overall yellowing, especially along the left edge of the letter.
8-1/4 in
11 in