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Public School Plant Needs of Millburn Township Report, 1960
The Public School Plant Needs of Millburn Township, Millburn New Jersey. Prepared by The Institute of Field Studies, Teacher's College, Columbia University, New York, May 1960. 64-page study commissioned by the Millburn Board of Education to assess the growth of the Millburn Schools and recommendations for additional facilities in planning for the future. The report notes the expansion of residential development during the 1950s and the degree to which the increase in population is taxing the current capacity of the Millburn Schools. The school population at the time was 3,496 across all 8 buildings (6 elementary schools, junior high school and a senior high school).
The report recommends that an additional elementary school be built, which could accommodate approximately 350 pupils, and suggests that it be built on the so-called "Deerfield" site. Additions to the Junior and Senior High Schools are also recommended for the future.